Very similar to bird's eye (V. persica) and slender (V. filiformis) speedwells. This is a mat-forming speedwell with medium-sized (for a speedwell) bright blue flowers in early spring (April). Its leaves are longer than wide and have several deep teeth (unlike the broader than wide ivy leaved (V. hederfolia) and pink ivy leaved (V. sublobata) speedwells)
Bird's eye has bigger flowers, more than half an inch across, that look nearly the same size as the leaf. Bird's eye's flowers and especially fruit are on stems at least as long as the leaf.
Slender has much smaller, round leaves and again the flower stem is longer than the leaf, and the flower looks about as big as a leaf.
In gray field speedwell (this species) the flowers are not larger than 1/2 inch, not larger than the leaf, not on stems longer than the leaf, and the stems have a mix of hairs of different lengths that like to stand out from the stem.

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